Logo, branding and website for an Italian wireless broadband company. I know!
Logo, branding and website for an Italian wireless broadband company. I know!
Logo, branding and website for a jobs board start-up specialising in the catering and hospitality industry.
Identity for this site. Who doesn’t love to ROCK?
Illustration work. Best game pad for like, EVER. Let me know if you want one. I’ve got sh*t loads a few spare!
My mate Keith wrote this book. He gave me a credit in the intro for not bothering him while he formulated sentences. Plus, I helped out with some HTML and CSS project templates.
Design, HTML and CSS for a media agency. It got picked up and featured on for 60 Elegant and Visually Appealing Designs, which was braggable.
Logo, branding, design and build of which I help run with a cohort alongside the awesome Ian Mann. Currently working on a version 2 re-design, a preview of which you see above.